Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Feels like I'm playing hookey

(Photo:Dave and Katie, last Saturday morning up at Merrymeeting Lake-Kate was working and we brought her breakfast as the good parents we are- she's still got 2 weekends of work before the job's over for the season-but seems like it should be done with schools up and running around here.)
With Katie in school and me home, I feel like I called in sick or something that would keep me home. No still on vacation- loving it. Finally the humidity has gone so I can turn off the AC units and open doors, windows, etc. Made the rest of the cards I want to send into Stamper's Sampler this morning-love working in the studio after a nice walk and having a quiet house. Didn't sleep well this morning-woke up at 4, getting in the school brain mode and am thinking about retreating to my screen porch and reading since I'm kind of tired, also could go work some more on my refinishing project-am starting to spray paint so I should go and do that, which won't take very long at all. So much to do and so little time, just don't want to work my whole last week away-and since tomorrow I need to go back into school to meet with my intern and finish up some room setting up and getting some papers run off...ah, love sumemr but it always goes TOO fast.

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