Saturday, August 8, 2009

Happy Weekend

More coastal California-though it wasn't very warm or summery here either.
Another very nice day- and since that makes it 6 in a row- a record for this summer, I expect the weather tomorrow will be a washout. They're saying cloudy and some rain, but who knows. I was silly enough to keep thinking it'd be nice and we'd end the summer with real summer weather.
So today was the street fair up in Wolfeboro. All the things they sell go to help support the hospital and its all based on what people donate. Its 2 days (yesterday and today) and I went today but boy were they picked over. I mean, really picked over.I got a few spoons for an art project I have in mind and 2 books-one on embroidery and one novel. Last year I got a bunch of books, but this year, they were already clearing and folding up tables in the tent. Some of the workers were saying they were mobbed this year that the fire department even had to close the parking lot there was too many people. They sure didn't have a lot of stuff left in any of the tents I looked in. So I walked to library and Dave picked me up and I went down to the lake at his mom's and had a couple of beers and chit-chatted out on the dock. Alittle too breezy and cool to swim. Then tonight, Dave took his 2 girls out to dinner in Laconia and we went over to the Weirs-which was hopping on a summer Friday night. On the way home we drive trough Alton bay and it was hopping there too. Like summer is happening some place.Was fun. Realized we need to do the Weirs Beach Drive In one night. Need our comfy clothes and junk food and a night at the drive in watching movies.Haven't been for a few years- but we always went once a summer when Katie was younger.
I still feel like this is the summer that wasn't.

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