Monday, August 17, 2009

Staying Cool

This isn't cool- its a hot sulphur spring in Lassen Volcano National Park.
But just down the road a few miles- SNOW!!!! (Even though it was about 95 degrees that day)

Snow banks in the summit parking lot for Mt. Lassen You can see the trail in the photo in the grey volcanic ash above the snow and a hiker on the trail.
Below-snowball fight time!

More hot weather today in NH. Had a busy morning-finished stripping the paint off my little drawer chest Dave got for me out of his mom's over the garage storage( it was doomed for the dump last fall while cleaning but he rescued it for me and it'll be perfect for some craft supplies), swept the garage, and worked on my organization in my studio (made some great strides in organization-yahoo!). Spent my afternoon at the lake, reading one of the 2 books I'm into right now. My lake read is The Alexandria Link by Steve Berry- a thriller with historical links, set in Europe and DC. Liking it! Also reading one of Kate's summer reading books-The Road by Cormac McCarthy-its very good but rather sad and depressing so I can't read it sitting by the lake. Read 100 pages of it this morning (and 50 yesterday), so if I can keep that pace then I should finish it before the week is out. Then I can give it back to Kate, she'll need it next week for school-man has summer gone SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fast this year.

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