Saturday, August 22, 2009

Still posting trip photos

More signs. People are always trying to tell you things-and these signs are important, don't get me wrong. I finished my studio shelf cleaning/reorganizing-I need a sign that says get rid of some stuff!
More weird weather. While cleaning, the sun was out and it was HOT in my studio as its the only room in the house with no AC and it has only 1 window, a skylight. Now, I come downstairs and its as dark as dark can be and thundering...guess what's on its way. I still need to go up with the vac and dow the rug, and I have a mess in front of the closet door I must do before school begins.
So I finished reading the Road by Cormac McCarthy. I found it sad and rather a depressing view on life. (Just looked up and out the window and its raining.) At least that book was a quick read and it does stay with you as its very vivid and very well written. Still also reading my Steve Berry novel-the Alexandria Link which is kind of Dan Brownish but am enjoying it.
Its a weird kind of day too- besides the weather. I'm feeling kind of lost, like I should have done something and I didn't. Think its because I'm feeling very cooped up in the house today with this aweful humidity outside-don't want to be out, and its NOT a beach day with the storms blowing through, and I got my shelves finished organizid in the studio but I still have things to do in there and feel like I should have gone and done that...
Also I'm starting to think about where to go during my Feb. school vacation week. Its very important this year since I will be turning 50 right after we get back and I want to go someplace good. I can think of lots of spots but I only have a week to travel without missing work. Plus, this is our last year that Katie will be on the same school vacation as next year its off to college, so I think a good trip is important. Right now thoughts are on Portugal. Lisbon looks beautiful and it would be an adventurous trip. If I had 2 weeks I'd go to Hawii where I have never been or Tokyo, since I've never been to Asia either. Or Australia. Could go to Mexico or Costa Rica too. Hmmm. Any suggestions?
Well this is lots of babble and not much focus. Need to go finish cleaning the studio a bit-get that chore done today since the weather is so sketchy...

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