Thursday, August 27, 2009

Top 5, or 10, or 25

So today while I drove to Worcester and back, I tried to come up with my top 5 movie list. Why did this come into my head? It was Katie's homework in her film studies class last night. Think I've done something like this on blog before-a long time ago, but top 5, that's tough. So here's my top 5 and then the rest-at least those in my head right now...there's sooooooooo many good movies.

1-Casablanca (oh got to love it!)
2-When Harry met Sally
3-The 9th Gate
4-The Graduate
5-Some Like it Hot

and the rest of the movie I love!
The Truth about cats and Dogs
The Pirates of the Carribean series
The Bourne Trilogy
70's version of a Star is Born
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House
Hitchhiker's guide to the Universe
Young Frankenstein
Julia and Julie
Its a Wonderful Life
Shirley Valentine
The Big Chill
Finding Nemo
Beauty and the Beast
Bread and Tulips
Gone with the Wind
The Red Violin

and I'm sure I'll think of many others...

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