Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Being back and being self critical

above-A really old card from the files!
Ok, first, let me whine though don't take me to be ungrateful. (its just the adjustment of being a working gal from being a summer stay home and vacation gal). I had to get up and go to work this morning. I didn't mind getting up or the going to work, but I missed my lazy eezing into the morning and my walk. But otherwise, the kids are back today- had a good day-a bit exhausted from the new year readjustment but it took me 25 years to get over being nervous because I wasn't nervous this morning.
OK, second thing though this time you shouldn't just shrug and say I'm being silly. I've fallen into an art hyper self-critical stage. I look at my work and say "Boy is that bad." Really bad. Why am I doing art? I know, or I think I know, lots of people pass through this, and it shall pass for me too, I hope. Maybe I'm just tired from getting up in the morning. Maybe I feel a bit like I want to be a full time artist-employed, instead of being a teacher-still-though I love my job, I lvoe doing art more. Maybe, I'm just all over whining. maybe what I think I want isn't what I really want and I'm putting pressure on myself for NO reason. I don't know what is causing it though.
Maybe I should just finish my awesome book, A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson because I'm in a reading mood and that will get me out this whining I'm doing on this post.

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