Tuesday, September 8, 2009

More of MY Virtual Art

Got to love these and so much fun to make. These are photos from my CA trip and some old photos I have.
Otherwise, must say I feel in a strange place today. Always happens when I wake up from a very real weird dream-weird places, twists and disasters. Things seem to affect me more, and though I had a good day, talking to my brother is enough topush me slightly over the edge-not that he's a bad guy, but he and I are sooooooo different. Plus have to get these invites out for mom's 80th surprise party, and called her cousin I don't really know and he was a bit confused, scray but really more sad, kind of added to the weird feeling. So, its a weird kind of karma day. But I hope, tomorrow will be better and my weird karma will be gone, gone, gone.

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