Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fall is here-can it be that time already?

Looking out my windows! Well, though its hard to believe its really getting colorful already, we are coming into a long Columbus Day weekend within a few days.
So though I haven't finished my perfume read, I started reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Kind of a fun read and in some ways real tough for me to swallow since I love the original so much. Let me see how its goes. I think its fun to challenge yourself reading something a bit out of your ordinary, but since its coming down into Halloween season, not a bad time to read it.
Anyhow, I need to get some photos of my latest scrapping on my Paris/London book (yes from last Feb's trip) and need to get photos of my Halloween project I finished-maybe this weekend will do that for you...and give me some items to post.
Till then.

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