Thursday, November 5, 2009

Falling leaves

Leaves are really down now, its looking like November, mostly bare trees, the lawn brown with oak leaves, short days, and temperatures on the cool side. Today is grey and freezing- well, more raw than freezing, but feels chilly and is dark. Bits of rain spitting and they say snowflakes overnight. These falling leave photos were taken back on Saturday when we lost a lot of them...but it was wildly warm- like 72 degrees.
So here's a temperature question for you- how raw or cool is it in Amsterdam or Brussels in late February? I am going away then-still vacation looking and shopping- I want a realy super cheap deal which I don't think is going happen but I keep hoping...and I really would like to go to the Netherlands and Belgium...well, I'll be honest, I really want to go a lot of places and wish I had months to take a trip...well, I'll be honest, I'd miss my critters too much to be gone that long but still, if I had another week or get my drift?

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