Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hope I am not getting sick

Rainy rainy Saturday, sitting in my sweats all day. Katie's been sick about 2 1/2 days with a bad cold (?), swine flu (?), something that hasn't totally knocked her off her feet but has set her back a bit. I have a headache and hope I am not getting it as tomorrow we have tickets to see Trans Siberian Orchestra in Manchester. We went last November and really enjoyed the show, so we are going again-I hope Kate is feeling perkier.
Today I did massive pages for my mom's scrapbook (photos from her 80th birthday party which was back in October), too dark to get any good photos, but I made my way through many of the photos. Not done, but made good headway-what I don't want to be is rushing to finish right before the holidays, and with everything else one needs to do then...places one must go hopefully will have it done next weekend or by Thanksgiving. I think it will be a great Christmas gift for her, since its hard to buy for someone who's 80 and doesn't really need much and I hate just giving her a grocery gift card or money for oil to heat her house, which is really what all retired people seem to be able use. But this is personal and she (hopefully) will like it. My studio is a BIG disaster zone right now-I've got boxes of stamps all over the floor, but that's what happens when you're working away like a busy bee (as the cliche goes).
So I'm heating up some chicken soup from Costco (yummy) for dinner and Miss Sick pants comes down and starts complaining- maybe she is feeling better . Ugh. To the complaining but hope she is perkier. Its no fun being sick. I told her its what we used to call Jewish penicllin and will help us all get better or stay healthy-she didn't appreciate the comment.

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