Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Knitting or Scrapping

Rowan Patterm book the sweater is in and the photo of the finished sweater in the book.
You can see my color choices are a bit different, and I'm using the yarn from Webs, not the Rowan Kid silk. And I haven't gotten too far yet, but since its on size 6 needles and I'm not sitting around every night to knit, am happy with the progress. Its so fun to have a big knitting project again.

Stayed home to sleep and nurse my cold today-not that it was horrible but didn't want it to get that way (and all the people sick at work-eeks). So I slept and took some photos of my latest crafty projects, did a bit more work on Mom's album too and started some more xmas cards-did the stamped part but need to attach them to the card and finish them. But anyhow, whether to show you my latest knitting or some pages from Mom's album-so you get the knitting-obvious from the photos, eh?

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