Saturday, December 5, 2009

First real snow

So you can see the snow accumulating in my backyard as the afternoon went on, they say about 4 inches, and I'm sure it won't last. Just think- Thursday we were in the 60's and I had my screen doors open and today, snow. I love how you can see the reflection of my Christmas tree in the last shot especially.
So this morning Katie and I went out to run errands, do a bit of holiday shopping and have lunch at Friendly's. Was fun to go out with the crowds. Got home just before the snow picked up too much, not that I think the driving will be bad, but tonight its cozy here-fire going in the fireplace, spagehetti sauce simmering, the house smelling like Christmas tree (mostly from the candles I am burning). Nice way to spend a Saturday night I will say. (Ok, you can call me boring.)

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