Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last Day of 2010

Here's a photo of Syndey featured on MSNBC this morning. Not sure who took the photo, but I am posting it because its kind of shocking that its already the last day of 2009. This year just began, and its a little bit sad that its just about over. But I am looking forward to 2010, so that's why it is worth celebrating- though I'll probably spend my night stripping wallpaper. But, it is exciting to think of getting this project done and starting the new year with a bathroom that's spruced up-since I never did really like the bathroom and we've been living in the house 20 years-it'll be 21 in May of 2010.
And 2009 was a very good year for me. Not feeling like I need a big list of year in review items, but will say, we got rid of George W Bush, no one I loved passed away-in fact one of my uncles got a different diagnosis for a treatable cancer and he's doing well, I still have my great hubby and my daughter hasn't yet graduated and my critter babies are still here and healthy.
Is this a depressing poat end to the year or what?
Good things- we took 2 fantastic trips- to London/Paris and to Northern CA.Oregon and San Francisco. I read some fantastic books-28 in the ballpark for novels plus cookbooks, travel books,  knitting books, craftbooks, magazines...things I didn't even record. I saw tons of great and not so great films (now that Katie has a new guy we don't do our Friday afternoon movies the same way as last year-but that's ok). I picked up and did some fun cooking again. I made lots of great art. My daughter hasa taken up sewing and says she'll go to big fabric sale in June with me (been waiting to hear those words forever), did lots of fun roadtrips-like to Beans, the Rochester Fair, my craft stores, on college visits, ate some yummy food, lost a few pounds, spent too much cash, celebrated mom's 80th, spent time with my good friends...oh yes, it was a great year, wasn't it?
I do think big milestones like the end of one year and the start of another leads you to have mixed feelings.
And to come-a fun trip to a new place in Feb -oh looking forward to Barcelona. I won't mention my big birthday in early March, Katie's graduation in May and her off to some college in August or September (That's good and bad, isn't it?), more art, my car just about paid off (yahoo), oh and all the surprises and spontaneous moments that await.
Ok, hope this post isn't too much a downer or a drudgery to get through, but to all of you
I hope it is a wonderful, healthy, happy and a great year for you.

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