Saturday, December 19, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree

Some cool views of my tree at night, lots of relfections, but almost better than straight tree photos.
I enjoy having my tree, as do the cats who sleep under it.
Finished my shopping yesterday, that's a relief. I love to holiday shop, but I do think some people get a bit carried away, and I do think retailers think that is all the holiday is about.
Tonight is my department holiday party, and they say snow is coming. Not as bad as southern NH and the mid-Atlantic states. Our snow will start after midnight and come down tomorrow- not sure how much we'll get here. Right now they're saying we're just about the top of the 5-8 inch area, but the coast will get a lot more than up here since its a coastal storm.
Now I need to write my Christmas cards and get my wrapping finished...made some cookie dough today so tomorrow I can bake the cookies and also made brownies to take to my party tonight. Love holiday baking and wish I didn't have so many other things to do so I could do more of that.
Anyhow, Happy Saturday and if you're in the arriving snow- are You dreaming of a White Christmas?

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