Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What Katie and I did on our SNOW day!

We got dumped on today- at least 12 inches, was a really needed snow day. Busy day- here's what Katie and I did besides going to school
1) slept in
2) vaccuumed the first floor
3) watched Samantha Brown in Barcelona

4) Katie worked on her quilt

and Leo loved laying on it- as did Harley too!

5) I made some homemade bread with dried fruit

4 loaves!!!!

5) And I cooked the turkey carcass from Thanksgiving-finally- and made turkey soup!
6) We watched the Santa Claus II

7) And shoveled- since Dave is still on his 7 pound lifting restriction. I look like a troll here!
8) And I finished my mom's birthday party scrap book-was just about done before today- here's a couple of photos!

It was a great day to be home!

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