Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Am Loving this Book

Bought this book before Christmas after looking at it for awhile on Amazon and my wish list and then I heard a great review on NPR. It got buried on my coffeetable- always an issue- but  last night took a Sookie break-just for a night- and read quite a bit of this. Its a journal, artsy book, written in months about what the author discovered after staying put in her home on Long Island for awhile. It also inter-mixes brief travel stories and her sketches and bits about her life. I am loving it! And love how she put January-the warrier month-just what I feel now and February- the travel month- which is usually how I feel by Feb. and March-my birthday month- is about tea and tea cups...oh, love a good cuppa. I made it through April before I needed to hit the hay (this morning 5 a.m. was tough) since I knew what lay ahead before the sun rises.
A++++++ recommendation.

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