Monday, January 25, 2010

Crazy rain and wind

Its absolutely pouring- but at least its not snow. Time to curl up on the couch with a cup of tea and read my latest non-fiction book. Started it last night and though I'm not into it to far I am enjoying it. Love these type of books about a time and place and the characters there- like the books Issac's Storm and Thundestruck by Erik Larson. This book so far has Eiffel, Gaugin and Annie Oakley. Who would have put them together. Plus the tower, and I love the tower. Its such a unique piece of architecture.

And to celebrate- here's a few pages with some differen views of the tower- from off to the side, from the top of the Arc Du Triumphe-2 views, you get to see me in one, and then from under neath the tower.
Au revoir pour aujord 'hui (and boy did I mangle the spelling of the last word which means today)

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