Monday, January 18, 2010

Snowy MLK day

So woke up to snow falling and a lot of snow on the ground-I'm off for the holiday but Dave was suppose to work and Katie had school-and of course they say on the weather the highest snowfall is in our area so they're the only public school closed in the state. Dave's home because last night there were problems with the flooring and then the toilet going in- flooring got done but the toilet is still not so he's home to clear snow and put in a toilet. Maybe today I will get my house clean-but I am trying to relax about it- so maybe it will be ok . Will do some more painting in my bathroom though-since Dave needs to run to Rochester to Home Depot or Lowes to get supplies to fix the plumbing.
Started reading this book above- so far its perfect for where I'm at in life. Its about a woman turning 50 and her daughter graduating from college. I'm turning 50 and my daughter is graduating from high school and going away. I can relate to what's being said in the book, and its touching me. So far, its a good read, though maybe a bit somber.

So this weekend I have been researching for our trip to Barcelona in a month. Dave wanted to know who Dali was- and I was searching to show him things when I came across this picture. Wow- talk about stirring a memory. When I graduated from 8th grade my Grandmother took me to Washington DC- my first trip there. We went with her friend Mrs. Johnson-never did learn her first name- and her granddaughter Linda. Linda chose for us to go to the National Gallery- (me the natural history museum-who'd guess that?) and I saw this painting and was taken by it. Had to see it a few times and even bought a postcard of it. Now did I know it was painted by Dali? No. When I saw it online the other night it stopped me in my tracks, wow, did it bring back a memory. Its still quite moving, though I'm not as religous a person now as I was as a kid, when I was still exploring what God was...
So 1 month till we leave- am sooooooooo ready. Am trying to decided afetr our days in Barcelona if we should take the train to Madrid and stay a few days there or if we should go with the original plan and rent a car. I would love to go through Figueres and off to Carcasonne France. I think plan 2-well my original plan- is what we'll do, but I wish I had more time and money so I could do both. But isn't that life? I have always wanted to travel and now it is sooooo important to me, I love adventures (even the small ones like driving to IKEA and Katie saying she is so glad we went...spending time with her is such an importance to me). What I love, my family, my home, my pets, my camera, making art, traveling, my gardens, friends....
So to finish this post, a few odd more photos from my cell phone- first of all, my car's dahboard...because my car does let me have so many adventures- seconddly a view of us towing Dave's boat home from the Cape where he bought it (like this view through the side mirror), then us on our way to Cape Cod going up onto the Sagimore Bridge and finally looking through the window the bridge construction down onto the Cape Cod Canal- because these 2 picture were a days adventure for me and him-plus for me, a great day of knitting while we drove.

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