Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Where I want to go

Ok, dealing with winter. This afternoon there is sun, though a cold wind. The sun cheers you up, the wind drives you back into your cave.
Here's some more scrap pages from my Paris 2009 book that I have been recently working on.
So, been thinking about my 50th coming up. Thinking about what I want that decade of my life to be.It read on a blog about a woman who is turning 40 and what she wants to accomplish before 40. I don't know that I need to accomplish anything before I turn 50- I am content where I am.  But during my 50th decade? I suppose I'm presuming I will be healthy the whole time. And 10 years is a long time, and I don't know where those 10 years will take me. I know right now I want to pay off my bills. I want to have money to help pay for my daughter's college. I want to travel more. When I get to retire I want to go live some place different for a month or two. I want to keep doing art and not feel I have to succeed at art, but simply play and have fun. Yet I am a goal oriented person, so I want to have art success. I'd love to write a book. I'd love to be on the cover of a magazine or be the Stampers Sampler/Take Ten artist in profile. I want to stay in shape and before that get better in shape. I want to read more books in a year. I want to cook more. I want to learn Italian and become more fluent in French-because I am so basic in it right now.  In the near future- I want to get this bathroom project finished, get new flooring in the kitchen and dining room and get a new carpet in my bedroom. I also want to organize my studio better. Get a few other house projects done. I want to retire from teaching at some point in my 50's, when I'm ready, whenever that will be. HMMM. I will have more ideas to list some other day, because once you start to think about these things- ideas pop into your head, and in my head, they need to roll around a bit to be sure they are what I really want. I should also look back on my 40's and see how far I have come. Writing it down makes it so much more real and you realize where you have come from. Writing it down also helps you accomplish your goals. They say that is a fact, so this is my way or recording and getting me to my goals...but goals are only street signs on the road of your life...and turns happen unexpectedly...oh my, now it is time to stop because my metaphors aren't so original.

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