Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Here's a few peeks at our bathroom project. The top picture- though nothing to write home about shows the yellow. And the bottom picture-gives a better view though the color isn;t quite right.And yesterday I did the cutting in so the wall is all yellow, no white edge now.  But love the ceiling we did- its wood that's been whitewashed. Dave's such a talented guy to put it up and install the fixtures...

And this lady above here, I love her face. She's so full forward, so powerful and full of hope. She knows what she wants and she's determined to do whatever is on her mind. Suffragette is one word I think of. And I must be feeling yellow since this tag is yellow(ish)-and I like it.
Maybe I'm still thinking about spring...wishing and hoping at the next cold front moves in and January weather returns.

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