Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Stop fighting it and just go with it

Its ok not to be productive every evening!
I keep telling myself this....
My house is a cluttered mess and tonight its bugging me. But where's my ambition? I tried to work in my studio but its just not flowing tonight.I am tired,  and I just want to read and chill, but feeling like I shouldn't read and chill. Its such a wintery night-though its not snowing here, it was snowing further south in Portsmouth all day and that kind of knocked me back into the blahs. I guess I'm feeling my studio is too cluttered for me to work and my diningroom still has so much bathroom stuff in it, and I could go do something, but I'm tired from being at UNH last evening and tomorrow night I have open house at school and I'm just frozen and unable to do anything. Is that ok? I keep hearing my mother scolding me for the mess and I'm scolding me for lack of studio activity lately...oh the winter laziness...I can't wait to get out for a walk ...get some motivation to clean....finish up my bathroom and my house chores-2010 has been the year of clutter and mess so far. 

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