Friday, February 26, 2010

We're Home

We got home last night after our adventure in Barcelona and the south of France- and it was a WONDERFUL adventure. We spent the first 3 days in the beautiful city of Barcelona- there is some fantastic architecture there- I was totally taken by the designs and buildings by Then we got a car (a BMW- they didn't have a Volkswagen left for us) and we drove north into France where we spent a bit of time in Nimes and Avignon and then we didn't have enough time to go to Carcasonne and a few other places by the border, but we drove back and went to the Dali Theatre and Museum in Figueres, Spain and down the Costa Brava or northern coast a bit and all and all we had fun, saw some cool things and spent some good quality time together. Will tell you more in some other posts, but these photos are of-1-a shirt at the Hard Rock Cafe in Barcelona- the first thing we did so Katie could cross that off her list-2-the sign on the A7 highway as we crossed from Spain into France and -3-the welcome sign in France and finally -4-the sign when we crossed back into Spain from France.
Of course must mention my weather report-came home in a heavy rain that got heavier and also some fierce winds that got up to 70 miles per hour and had no power today...we did have the generator, so we got to shower and had lights, but it was one of those days when you're beat and not very ambitious-plus we had to go rescue Harley from the kennel. I have only just gotten to really see my photos, so will post some for you later when I tell you more about my trip.

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