Monday, March 8, 2010

Art or Trip Photos?

Which to post, that is the question?
So I'll post a bit of each, satisfy both sides of my soul on this blustery but warmish Monday in March.
The other day I showed you the outside of the most complete Roman arena in Nimes, France. Now here's the inside. And what do they do inside this arena 2 times a year-

Bullfighting-French style. This poster was in our hotel parking garage- and I have yet to touch it up, but I thought it was cool. I have started practicing French by the way -using a book and some tapes I bought over the weekend. Think I've come far in just a couple of days. Now I just need to keep it up.

And here is the other side of my brain, a piece of art made from just stamps. I love this, and the lighter colors too.

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