Sunday, March 7, 2010


It is another beautiful morning here in the least here in New Hampshire. I'm having a wake up cup of Trader Joe's instant chai-YUMMY- and then going out for a walk before it warms up too much and my road turns to mud. Went out and walked yesterday too- I love walking in the morning and wish I could do it during the workweek too.
Had a successful shop yesterday- too much so- but Katie found a prom dress...she's amazing, she can look at a picture and know it will work on her (or me, she did that when she was like 9 and picked out the perfect dress for me for a New Year's 2000 black tie party). She found a photo o David's Bridal so we trekked down to Nashua to go and sure enough- looked A+++++ and she looked fabulous. Meant I stopped at Costco- Naughty me- and also Trader Joe's which was just grocery shopping but at Costco I managed to buy 4 books (1 for Katie if that excuses it any) and a cake stand...but also got dog and cat food and a few other needed items. Forgot the glucosamine trip. Also went to Border's and got me some French CD' goal is to get more fluent especially after this vacation when 1 once again used my French from high school. Since I want to be fluent in a second language...this is something to a goal that is very important to me...and plan my next trip back to see those things I missed this trip due to lack of time. Also found these 2 mark down books on 501 must see cities and 501 must see natural attractions- I am soooo ready to go on another trip right now.
Also started reading Suite Francais by Irene Nemirovsky- see if I can get at least story 1 read by bookclub this Thursday.
Today's vacations photos are from an ancient archeological dig we happened across along the coast (Costa Brava) in Spain. I think the town it was near is L'Escala- but I'd need to look for more carefully at that. Below is a photo the the Mediterrranean and the town off in the diatnce. We are standing in the ancient Greek town and the ancient Roman town was up a small hill behind this. It ended up beign a great surprise find and very cool to walk around.

In the ancient Greek area we found this sarcophagus in a temple ruins area.

Up in the Roman area. This area was newer than the Greek and there are still pillars here.
A Roman road area.

Display in the museum. These are Roman coins they found. They did found some amazing items seeing people lived in this town for many years after the Roman age. Finally people moved off to the present town just down the street.
I haven't cropped or touched any of these photos at all, but this one gives you a relative size of the unearthed Roman area.

Here's a copy of a statue from the museum but out in the Greek excavations.
And here's the actual statue in the museum.

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