Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rainy day

Today has been one WET and DARK day. Very busy at work...come home to demanding child...I hate when you walk through the door and get greeted with "Can you..." A hello would be nice. But anyhow, time to get over that and move on.
So rain, rain, go away...come again another day...time for some sun and some more spring weather though they say it will get cool the end of this week. Will probably feel COLD after the beautiful weather we had last week. Oh well, March is fleeting...as is time...and soon we won't even have to think about a possibility of snow.
Today I am showing you a recent card I made. Love this B Line stamp with the clock background...just to remind the world how little time there is in a day...the edge is crayoned with my pastels, need to fix the right a bit I think, and the white clock is a Judikins stamp I recently bought also.

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