Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Today I will show you...

First of all this piece of art I made from stamps which I really like, even if the word is a bit crooked. But then, so is my photo.
And then we go back to Barcelona, Spain and this untouched photo I snapped of the sign to a very large and interesting market called La Boqueria. We walked through here and looked at the food vendors selling their wares...this is a real local but large market...and I'll spare you the photo of the sheep heads that were for sale...
Loved these egg face signs at the stall.
And a unique assortment of seafood, prawns, sea urchins but it looked like just the shells which I didn't know people ate the shells.
Pieces of meat hanging at another stall.
A cooler with some drinks
And I'll round out my photos with this beautiful display of dried peppers at this stall.
This trip did do for me one thing I really wanted it to be, I wanted it to be exotic and different from here in NH.

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