Friday, April 30, 2010

Vacation Friday

One thing to say, it can't be Friday ALREADY,can it?
And here's a few photos I shot on our Maine roadtrip yesterday.
This guy is for Dave who yelled at an antelope in South Dakota years ago to try to get its attention (it didn't work), but we constantly have to remind him about this moment in time.
And of course one must go to LLBeans.
A favorite from college at the University of Maine many moons ago, Pat's pizza- double dough with pepperoni and onions for me. We didn't go all the way to Orono, but there's a few Pat's Pizzas around the state. Orono is the original however.
The family at Pat's Pizza.
Was a very fun afternoon out. Didn't buy much, but enjoyed the change of pace and scenery. I love roadtrips!!! Adventures!!!!
So today is my last day of vacation before the weekend- not sure of the agenda but am heading out to see if I can get another yard of barkmulch to finish my big garden. Also should clean the studio, play in the studio... make a bit moer metal clay so I can do some firing later this weekend..
We'll see.

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