Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Something I haven't done or eaten in ages- but its that kind of bright blue sunny day- so I am munching on a tub of Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia Ice Cream-( photo from this website.
YUMMY! Then I will go take a walk, a very long one, to help burn a couple of the calories from eating this. But right now- this tastes like heaven.

Cherry blossoms from a weeping cherry in my backyard named Al, yes, we named a tree. But it was given to me by my co workers when my Dad, who was Al, passed away. So in his memory, we have Al the tree. Right now it looks fantastic- and my Dad would appreciate it as he was a big yard guy.
And since I am being self-indulgent, and since graffitti is a rather self thing, I will show you this page I did in my France journal, not that I made the grafitti, but I photographed it. And since I think the grafitti is someone's name...I included a sticker stamp of a self-portrait by Picasso also a self indulgent thing I think... and my own taken by the Pompideau Center in Paris.
Just a post note a couple of hours later- went for my walk (it was great) but noticed there were some black flies out. This is the earliest they've ever been out- hope they come and go quickly.

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