Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Another week is flying by

Here's a couple of cards I managed ti squeeze in last week- they both need words or sayings on them but they have a western/rustic feel and I like them both. The dotted diamond background stamp is by Cornish Heritage Farms and you can see I've been using it a lot lately. Its a great plain but pretty background stamp.
So I'm off to work- its tough with Katie home on summer vacation. I want to be on vacation but the end is now in sight and that helps A LOT.
Last night we had the scholarship evening at my school- Katie got a scholarship from my teacher's union which is great and exciting for her. Got home late and started watching the Wolfman, didn't make it through the whole movie. So far its got great scenery and feel but not so sure about the story line...I was beat last night though-it was a long day so not sure I was really judging so well.
Another day- time to get up  from the couch and my cup of tea and get it started I guess.

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