Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Half way through this week

Not that I'm rushing my days...but I am ready for vacation. Another day of classes...exams start Friday and finish on Monday. Next Wednesday- 1 week, and our 2 teacher days are over and we're really on vacation! It feels like its time for summer vacation to begin and I really want some home time, down time, art time, reading time...ok, enough said..
See how my garden grows. Took these yesterday. Its exciting. Planted these seeds about 1 1/2 weeks ago. Hopefully they'll have great veggies for me this summer- as I want to mke some pickles. YUM! (Just one of those summer home time things I want to do...)
And here's one of the few cards I've done in the last couple of evenings. I'm really happy how this came out, made it on watercolor paper. One of my co-workers is leaving next Wednesday once we finish and is moving to Florida, so here's a card we can all sign to wish her well on her way.
Make it a great and happy I won't just spend my day counting down the minutes-I promise.

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