Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Its a beautiful day

Here's a country view at 5:45 a.m. when Harley and I went walking. It was much prettier than this quick photo with my phone shows, the sun was beaming through the trees...it was a great walk before it got too hot and too humid. And a great way to start the day, especially when I got to go back to bed and slept until 9. Yahoo!
So I've gotten right into summer mode. Today I've been unproductive, but that's quite ok, since its not so beautiful every day. I sat on the screen porch and finished my Sookie Stackhouse book this morning- then I went to the lake and sat on the dock and read all afternoon. Here's my legs and my latest book, so excited to read the last book of this triology as I really loved the first 2. I love summer!

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