Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sleepy Sunday

This morning its raining and its suppose to last all day. Not a bad thing, I'm planning on puttering around the house all day. And luckily yesterday stayed mostly nice so Katie could get in 6 1/2 hours of her 8 hour shift (after our morning rain) and it wasn't horrible at the Keepsake Quilting sale since its held on the store porch and parking lot. Except that I haven't gotten out to walk for days...oh well. Kind of liking this quiet morning. Need to decide if I want to make my bathroom curtain today (found some fabric to do that yesterday at the sale) or make some clay tiles for a mosiac for my bathroom. Or maybe even do nothing much.
So here's one of the cards I made yesterday morning. You can't see it here but I was playing with backgrounds...this is one is on glossy paper and there are small dots that were made with a very close color. There's also some texture from stamping with Adirondock ink and a wet rubber stamp...anyhow, the photo didn't pick up any of this and the card has far more depth in real view. But it came out cute- stamps are Hero Arts!

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