Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Strawberry Season because Its Summer

Last work day. Then its really vacation. I need it. And to complain-sorry, today is  a waste...the extra day we agreed to work which is fine but why throw it on the very end of the school year and then ask us to do work for the district when everyone just wants to be out?  Makes no sense. Today my department is having a cookout after we get out, which should be fun, though right now its a rainy morning and I've slept a bit too late after being woken up a bit too early and I'm groggy. UGH.
So, let's get onto a better foot. These strawberries were so yummy the other day. Juicy and sweet, nothing is better than fresh local berries.  Probably will be on a blogging break for the next few days. I'm heading off early early tomorrow to my mom's in Massachusetts as she needs day surgery and I need to drive her. Katie is coming with me and Friday on our way home we are going to detour to IKEA to get her anything we see that she might want for her dorm at college. Then I need a Trader Joe's and Costco run. Looking forward to that. I love roadtrips. Its something else summer should be all about. (All year actually)
Finished the Lost Girls yesterday, enjoyed that book but 2 things came to my mind- 1: how much I have grown because I thought a lot like they did in my 20's and now in my "old" age of 50 I guess career building  and finding someone is past me, and in some ways, what they worry over is now something I've learned is not worth worrying over. Life happens and you can get through most things. Though I know, things can be tough when you have to go through them and life throws surprises at you at every age. I also was surprised how much these girls went to Starbucks when they were trying to go more native. Just a note, nothing important on this comment, but I did very much enjoy the book. Now I'm reading the latest Sookie Stackhouse, which is a bit tough since there's isn't any other new ones to read after I finish this, at least until Charlaine Harris releases another one.

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