Sunday, June 20, 2010

What I want to do this summer

And photos from our boating adventure yesterday!
The perfect title for these photos from our boating adventure yesterday, though probably more what Dave would do 7 days a week if he could.
The top photo-Fort Constitution and the lighthouse at Newcastle and the mouth of the Piscataqua River. Looking for the ghost of the keeper they spotlighted on Ghost Hunters, but no sights of him yesterday.
Second, one of the Portsmouth Tugboats-I guess they give tours now too. These tugboats are great!
Lobster bouy in the water and finally a view into Great Bay.
It was a gorgeous day out in the boat yesterday- except for Harley who didn't like it when the boat rolled and rocked a bit out in open water.
AND also today...
So since this is my LAST 3 day week of work until summer vacation and since tomorrow is the first day of summer and since I love to make lists though I never seem to complete them, here's my what I want to do this summer list.

My summer list 2010-not in order of importance or of getting done either
1-read, read and read-check
2-get morning walks in-check
3-make a bunch of jewelry-semi-check-made some, not tons
4-take a few road trips-check
5-lounge at the lake or beach-check
6-work in my gardens and get some great veggies -check
7-make pickles-going to try this week
8-do some cooking, grilling and baking and find some new recipes-check
9-do art --whatever kind  that calls me-check
10-not spend tons of cash
11-be spontaneous-check
12-finish the little drawer  cabinet that I'm painting-check
13-make some art for the bathroom and finally finish that up-working on it-check
14-have a great graduation party for Katie-working on it-check
15-hang out with friends-check
16-sleep in and stay up late-check
17-spend a lot of time with Dave and Katie-check
18-get Katie ready for college with supplies-check
19-see some movies -check
20-drink sun tea- iced tea-check
21-use my buddah stove (my chiminera)
22- lounge on my screen porch-check
23-do something new or different and surprise myself-check
24-knit my sweater so I have it for this (hate to say this) winter
25-make some discoveries-check
26-Cleanout my studio and sell stuff on eBay-sort of check
27-Get some jewelry up on etsy and hopefully sell a bunch-check
28-make my Alice in Wonderland wall quilt
29 Pick strawberries (if they don't disappear too quickly) and blueberries-check-raspberries
30-go to the Wolfeboro Street Fair-check
31-hopefully- clean the big closet in my studio
32-make some new clothes with some of the big pieces of fabric I have already
33-hopefully, clean the toy closet out in the basement-working on it
34-go swimming-check
35-drink margaritas and learn to make the homemade kind-check
36-visit my mom a few times-check
37-eat lots of fresh veggies and fruit -check
38-tone up, firm up maybe lose a couple of pounds
39-have lots of adventures-check
40-make homemade ice cream
41- Go kayaking!!!
42-paint the little door in my bathroom yellow to match the walls-check
43- get some art sent out to magazines
44-get a new bed room rug...well, that's a big maybe
45-take a mini get away vacation
46-watch all of season 1 and 2 of TrueBlood
47-watch all of Planet earth
48-clean up some clutter piles-check
49-go boating-check
50-not stress out or run around feeling I must do everything on these lists!!!-check
(first update August 8th)
(second update Aug 23rd)

This sounds like a typical wonderful magical summer!
I'm all for it.

Happy Father's Day all you Dad's

And my Dad, if you can hear me or sense me or whatever up there in heaven- I love you and  miss you lots.

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