Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Counting down to summer vacation. In 2 weeks I will be totally done!!! I'm so sleepy this morning and that idea sounds wonderful. But I will say, though the kids are antsy, I'm teaching a favorite topic and it a bit cooler this week so it doesn't feel so summery. They're saying rain and 50's tomorrow-brrrrrr. That helps with the kids though..
So here's a couple of new books that arrived from Amazon yesterday-saw them both in Barnes and Nobel and decided I'd go the Amazon route. I started reading the Lost Girls last night- so far, so good. The reviews said to watch out for wanderlust, oh boy, I will be in trouble. I'm already ready for a summer trip.
The textile book looks pretty good. Its a good overview with photos and there's a lot of techniques I either don't know about or forgot about. Think I will put it to good use this summer. Did I mention I found some Alice In wonderland fabric at the sale last Saturday and I want to try my hand at another quite- a wall quilt I think- of course the Lewis Carroll classic tale with a tea theme-tea theme- of course!
Did you see Cornish Heritage Farms is having a summer fling? This week all their backgrounders are on sale and I really want to order a couple. Not sure I should buy any more stamps right now as my special order Hero Arts came in at Stamping Online. But there's maybe 3 I really want, and the sale ends tomorrow night. Oh what to do? I know, the stamps aren't going anyplace but its a sale. I can't resist and I've been soo good at resisting the urge all week.
Yes I know, I got it BAD.
Have a great day!

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