Saturday, July 17, 2010

Busy and fun days

Here's my friend Ina from North Carolina who came by to visit yesterday and spent the night. It was fantastic to see her since its been a year. We started off by going to my favorite craft store-Absolutely Everything in Topsfield, MA and then we went boating. It was fantastic yesterday out on the river and the ocean-since it was Friday there wasn't too many boats and the chop was down. Plus, its so much cooler out on the water than on's a few more photos from our day out boating...
These are the tugboats in downtown Portsmouth. They are such a sign of the city, especially when you eat or have drinks down on any of the dockside restaurants.
You can see that better there with the restaurants on the left and the tugs on the right. I have strong ties to Portsmouth as I've taught there for the last 25 years. Here's a few more photos starting with Fort Constitution in Newcastle, NH.
So today was a warm do but we went to Dave's aunt's and Uncle's 50th wedding anniversary party. It was a good party and the food was great...I didn't know tons of people there but that was ok...also got a good swim in at my mother-in-laws as the party was across the lake. And tonight- after too many beers at the party and too many margaritas last night with Ina (new style- made with beer too...yummy!), I am beat. But my busy spell is over for a few days...time to catch up on my reading and art.

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