Monday, July 26, 2010

Crisp and cool

I think my card yesterday ushered in some fallish weather- beautiful, but I've even needed to close down a few windows as its really chilly...a good working day not a beach day. That's ok, my house is desperate for a vaccing and think I'll be low key today...try to read a big chunk of the Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest which I've been reading with a million interuptions-including 2 other books. Really want to finish it and see what happens, but want to do a bunch of scrapping...relax. Tomorrow Katie and I are planning a ROADTRIP, oh I love them. Will fill you in later. What I can't get over is the fact this is the LAST week of July...think I said that yesterday but I'm still in shock its here already. Not surprised in another way though...summer flies.
So above this babbling there's a couple of recently made can tell I've when I make been in a cooking mode this summer, thinking about more preserving...which is truly a satisfying task, I will admit.
Also, here's a few pieces of jewelry I posted on Etsy this morning- I fired these yesterday and made them one day last week...

You can find details about these pendants on my Etsy shop.

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