Monday, July 5, 2010

Scenes from the July 4th weekend

What's July 4th without fireworks?
Dogs flying off the dock? (My dog doesn't like water so you get to see my in-laws dog.)
Cool-this firework was sooo bright that you can see the folks on the lawn watching the fireworks. This is great.
Glow sticks on kids before the fireworks start.
At the lake and playing with sparklers.
And then being silly and photo posing.
Hot dogs and hamburgers for dinner on the deck. And corn, potato salad...watermelon.
Reading out on the ocean while other people fished and I tried to perk up.
What a fun weekend its been- though I admit I was dragging a bit today. Lets see, Saturday we took a later day trip up to the lake and my mother-in-laws. Yesterday, Katie and Brian were busy with things and showed up at the lake later, but Dave and I went up there and then we did fireworks that night in Wolfeboro. It was the perfect fireworks night, not hot, but not cold, just perfect. Not too buggy, dry too. The bad thing about yesterday July 4th is it never got really sunny, but it stayed a bit cooler that way. Not today. Beautiful sun and HOT. We went out for the afternoon fishing, I got cranky because Dave got cranky with me, he got cranky he didn't catch any fish-no one did, but Katie and Brian came with us and it was nice to be with them. We went to Newicks for dinner- had a lobster roll and their homemade potato chips...but they don't have AC (can you imagine) and it was SO hot in there.  

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