Thursday, August 19, 2010

Beautiful Day

Look at these great reflections in the Merrymeeting River this morning. It was such a beautiful day, so still and calm. I went up early to bring Katie McDonald's for breakfast since her season Lake Hosting is almost done- just 1 more shift left unless she covers for someone.
And then at the lake while we munched on our greasy hi-calorie breakfasts. Boy, I am feeling so FAT lately.
Then I took a buzz into work to set up my room, with the police training going on...feel like they were trying to get rid of us...
Told Katie I'd be home by 1 so we could go to the lake this afternoon and get some sun and swimming in...and of course Harley had to come along...
A lovely self-portrait...while I read my book, started Jodi Piccoult's Plain Truth. katie read it and told me about it and it is really good.
So that's how I spent my beautiful day.

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