Saturday, August 7, 2010

Coming along Saturday

Its a beautiful CRISP morning in New Hampshire today. Skipping my walk, going to try to clean up whatever I can in this house. The floor is coming along quite nicely though! YAHOO!! It looks fantastic, and my hope is that tomorrow MORNING we can move the appliances back into the kitchen and I can start my pick up/clean up process.
Today is New Durham DAY! The town I live in, celebrating our history. Not that I'm really involved in it, but we have fireworks tonight which should be fun. I think its great the town can celebrate itself and this is a great place to live...I've been here for 21 years. Still can't believe that fact at all!
The street fair yesterday was a success! Found a few items (I look for things I can craft with) like old lace doileys, a bag of assorted pieces of felt, and I found four 1960-1970's craft books. These books are big thick ones-one cost $25 new in 1964 when it came out which must have been a fortune then. Two of them are about early American stitchery- with patterns and then there's 1 general stitch book with some 1960's knitting patterns I like with a few cuff/color changes and one is a 1970's Erica Wilson quilting book with designs and patterns. They all came to a total of $10 Love it. My big bag of felt was $2, and the doileys came to $9. I'm happy with my stash.
So here's a few more scrapjournal pages- the photo ones are from Lassen National Park and then there's the journaling can see I like to journal the scenery as well as the people...and tell the detail...well, kind of. The big stories at least. And my pages aren't too heavy...especially a book about the wilderness...simplify...which is what going out into the wilderness is all about right?

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