Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It HIT me!

So the last few days have been a whirlwind of things. The party Sunday...then yesterday we had to drive my mom home to Massachusetts. Katie came with me and we all went to Wrentham Premium Outlets to go shopping- mostly because they have a Vera Bradley outlet there and my daughter loves Very Bradley. We all bought something- me a bag for school papers. We also had a good trip to the GAP outlet. Was a fun time and we didn't spend too much cash.  Good shopping day since it was cloudy (thank goodness the weather stayed good on Sunday). Plus its one of those shopping areas that's not TOO far from my mom's, but a good 2 1/2 hours from here so it was a great adventure. Then we spent the night at my mom's and drove back to NH today.
On the way home we stopped at Target to get Katie some things for college- shampoo, laundry detergent, etc. All those little products you need to function when you're not home to use the family's. And that's when it HIT me-HIT me sooooo horribly- MY BABY is going away to college NEXT WEEK and we will be empty nesting (if you don't count the dog and cats). Oh no!!! What am I going to do?  How will I cope? Well, I know I will but it is going to be soooo HARD! I thought I was going to bawl my eyes out in Target, I didn't expect it to hit me like that...or at that moment...I'm going to MISS having Katie around SO much!

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