Saturday, August 28, 2010

Summer Photo Recap #2

Doing much better this morning...lets see if I make it all day without another missing my baby at college emotional slide down. Anyhow...since this is my LAST weekend before work restarts...time for another summer photo recap. This time my theme is a bit different than the other day... 
1)off Kittery Point, Maine
2) Fort Constitution light house (Newcastle Light I think), Newcastle, New Hampshire
3)One of the lighthouses at Two Lights, Cape Elizabeth, Maine
4) 5) and 6) At Portland Headlight, Cape Elizabeth, Maine
So I'm going to make the trek down to my craft store today to enjoy a change of pace and to keep me busy. Going to go get ready in just a couple of moments to get off early- Dave had to go work at one of his airport clients down in Massachusetts today, so since its just MOI, figured I would do something good for me. Not that I need the temptation to spend more cash...I seem to do that very well as it is.
Enjoy your Saturday-hope its a beautiful as mine is.

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