Monday, September 20, 2010

Apple Picking

Here's some fun photos from when Dave and I went apple picking yesterday morning. I downloaded this COOL Histamatic app for my iPhone which is like old an old Polaroid camera, and these are some fun shots using that. Fresh picked apples taste SOOOO good, and I've also got a bunch of photos to post now...along with my cards...but I like to shake things up a bit.
So yesterday I did a bunch of cooking- made chocolate zucchini bread with the last of my garden squash, I made apple crisp (of course) and also a meatloaf for dinner. YUMMY! PLus I've got some new cards from this weekend to show you...and I'll spare you this weird rash on my body...not sure what it is and hopefully not HIVES, but at least that would be an easier explanation. Whatever it is its got to be because my stress levels are up...with the business of back to school and getting Katie off to school and then getting used to it all...
and then today, we're back into another week of work. I'm just not ready for another week to be honest...just one more day...I wish.

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