Sunday, September 26, 2010

The difference a day makes

Today's its cloudy and cool. Yesterday sunny, hot (like 88) and humid. We had a WONDERFUL day at UNH- went to half the football game (then it got SO hot), had lunch in the cafe and then we got to see Katie's classrooms. Was FUN. Then she came home with us and we'll bring her back later today and then go retreive our boat and bring it home for the WINTER. Yesterday it didn't seem like it could possiblely be that time of year already, and then today, it really seems it. The boat needs to be out of the marina by next weekend-but we just keep it dry docked in the field and put it in and out as we use it so it'll be pretty easy to move home.
So these cards are simple but fun. Sometimes, simple is GOOD. Its certainly easy to quickly whip up some cards when you don't play around with all the background design. All images are from an Alpha Stamp set and the words are from 7Gypsies and the dog words are from ???? Can't remember without walking back upstairs to the studio which I'm not going to do. I love the bubble guy!

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