Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Kids Return

More HEAT! In the 90's again-thankfully they are running the AC at school because they don't always do that. And the kiddos come back today...that's a mixed blessing. I'm always a bit nervous day 1 -so I got up extra early and have a bit of down time before I need to get rushing-I've already showered...but Dave also needs to get out today it might get a bit crazy and I'm trying to keep the nerves CALM! (sometimes guys just don't get that...sometimes I think after 29 years together he'd get that...get me...but he's a great guy so don't listen to me...)
So you can see I've been playing with some of my CHF stamps I got as they became marked down. I love them...the background on the top card is Impression Obsession...really happy with that card-oh yeah, ad the sun is a Paula Best stamp I've had forver.
If I haven't melted by this afternoon, I might stop by with an update...or maybe just take a nap. This getting up is soo difficult to get resued to.

Latest read...Bill Bryson is one of my most favorite authors.
Stopped UNH to visit Katie for just a short time, got to see her room...had a frappe at the dairy bar...I swear she's matured about 10 years in just under a week-but was great to see her...
once again, another 98 degree day. Only 1 more of those to go they say...

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