Friday, September 3, 2010


We are celebrating a 4 day Labor Day weekend here-well for me at least. The first days of school went well but they're always exhausting as you're getting into a new routine and new kids...not sure how your classes will this year with Katie off to college and out obscene heat-high 90's and like walking into a wall of heat when you step outside. Plus last night I took Katie and her roomate Renee out to Target to get a few things they needed and then we did dinner, so even though it wasn't a late night, it was still after 7 when I got home. So glad for it though...even though I was BEAT...and Kate's coming home Sunday for a night she says. HURRAY! I do miss her.
So planning a down day off today...recharging...relaxing....some studio time...though meeting a couple of girlfriends tonight for awhile. They say just some rain since Hurricane Earle is moving further offshore than predicted...sure there will be ocean chop but worries Dave about getting out on the boat tomorrow. But today, I'm being domestic and doing garden cooking- its feels very rewarding to do some hands on house housework that wish I always had Friday off and home alone to have a recharge my soul day.
Today's cards: the girls are from B Line Design and the wedding card I made for a friend who recently married (love that wedding card) -and I know you say brown, but my friend happened to be a guy and I didn't want to get all foo-foo on it...the flowers are Inkadinkado and the couple is a Kim Hughs CHF stamp. Thought it needed a bit of sparkle to it and some fun so I added the flower...I am secodn guessing myself using the brown...but I love it. Must stop second guessing Its too dangerous for my psyche to do.

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