Thursday, September 23, 2010

a walk on the beach

No, I didn't play hookey from work yesterday...but I had a few hours after work before my book club began...and it was a gorgeous day yesterday-almost hot but about 10 degrees cooler right at the shore. And it only takes like 20 minutes to get up to York, Maine from work...and years ago when I was young  and a 25 year old teacher starting at my job-I lived there-had a winter rental very near the beach...back in my 20's.... but here's some more Histamatic photos of my little afternoon adventure...
Yes, it was pretty crowded there-lots of retired folks...of course it was 3:30 by the time I arrived. Then I took the very short drive over to a favorite lighthouse- Nubble Light. Its on a little island and there's a wire pulley that you can bring things back and forth...the island is not walkable, even at lowtide-as it was lowtide when I was there yesterday.
I tell you, I do love where I live because I'm just a few minutes to the lakes and mountains and I can be at the ocean in an hour. New Hampshire is a beautiful place!

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