Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Yawn again

A rainy morning-suppose to rain all day. I just hope it stops before tomorrow since we're suppose to be going on a whale watch-and I really want to go! Keep you're fingers crossed.
I really wish I had an unlimited cash supply for craft items and for travel...just a random comment-and I've been blessed to have all that I have, but the temptation is so strong right now-new holiday supplies...the urge to go away...I have so much I shouldn't even say that but had to say it... I'm tired this morning and not feeling like working...but I will manage as always.
This card didn't photograph as good as it looks in person. Maybe because the blue background on the sky didn't show up very well...but its a fun little card...I love the crow scarecrow...its from an Inkadinkado set...and pumpkin is an older Hero Arts stamp...the grass CHF and the cornstalk is that same one I showed yesterday which I think is Stampendous....
Happy Tuesday...its nerd day for spirit week today...should be easy for me...since I'm very nerdie...just throw on my lab coat and go...

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