Friday, October 1, 2010

Its October!!!

I'm glad September is over-although today is a tough day-6 years ago my Dad passed over-(still stops me in my tracks)-but its Friday- the end of spirit week and a crazy week at work. Yesterday wasn't the best day...I could have skipped it lets put it that way...until I got my hair done which perked me back up. Didn't even watch Project Runway- I was BEAT-but I'll have that for after school today!  I'm glad September is over...its a been a long month even though its flown by...emotionally long...but its always a tough month since school starts and that's tough on me.
But its October...Columbus day coming up...Halloween ahead...lots of birthdays...busy but in a fun way! I love this month and hopefuly this will be a great one!
So now I can start showing Halloween cards-made myself not show any until  October started. These are great- and simple. I used the new large spider web background stamp by Hero Arts in gold for both of these...The words on both are from a Martha Stewart set...the spider girl on the top card is Stampotique...the spiders on the bottom are from the nw Martha Stewart set with vampires...I love making Halloween items...I've actually got a book ready to alter and I haven't altered a book in a very long time. Its going to be called Girls Who Fly. That's exciting!
Anyhow- its going to pour here all day and we have a pep rally at school-Hope all of our day goes well (better than yesterday for me!) and hope your day will be great too!

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