Sunday, January 30, 2011

Something a little different

Today's post is a bit different for me. Background is a Postmodern Design stamp, distressed. I punched out some die-cuts for the leaves and flowers. Photos of the rusted statue is one of my own, deer leaping onto the page is from CHF, and saying is also Postmodern Design with the A in art bolded up a bit.
Went to see the Fighter last night...great flick. Want to see the King's Speech...maybe one day after work, if we don't get more snow...not sure if I think the Fighter or True Grit is more Oscar worthy....have a great day!!!! I'm off to have some play time in the studio and some grading exam time. Also cooking my turkey carcass down and making some yummy soup.  (But am not getting out of my sweats all day today! My kind of Sunday).

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